Affordable Grazing Boxes From Lady Antipasti

by - December 13, 2019

It’s the holiday season again and everyone is busy attending parties one after the other. While gatherings and special occasions are meant to be fun, most attendees feel the pressure of looking for the best gift or food to bring to the party to make it even more special. Let Lady Antipasti do the work for you to save you time and effort! 

I have always wanted to try these grazing boxes because they looked so nice and delicious! Yup, those boxes you see online, those smorgasbords of cured meats, cheese, dried fruits, chocolates and wine that were perfectly fit in a box. The only thing that’s stopping me from trying these grazing boxes is the price. I’ve checked the prices only and most of them are around a thousand pesos and up. Good thing that I’ve come across Last Antipasti who sells grazing boxes at a reasonable price. 

Grazing Boxes Size:
Angel Box PHP499
Good for 2-3 pax and contains farmers ham, salami, prosciuto, colby jack cheese, pepper jack cheese, mini triangle cheese, crackers, pretzels, dried fruits, and nuts.
Juju Box PHP1000
Good for 4-7 pax and contains farmers ham, salami, prosciuto, colby jack cheese, pepper jack cheese, brie, mini cheese triangle cheese, crackers, pretzels, dried fruits, and nuts.
Tumtum Box PHP 1699
Good for 8-12 pax and contains farmers ham, salami, prosciuto, colby jack cheese, pepper jack cheese, blue cheese, brie & gouda, mini cheese triangle cheese, crackers, pretzels, dried fruits, nuts, and chocolates.

For those who want to have a stress free but an Instagram worthy feast, Ladi Anti Pasty can do the work for you. They offer grazing tables that are enough for 15 up to 100 pax. It has the same contents as the grazing boxes but on a much grander scale that is sure to leave your guests in awe and will have them talking about it for days.
 Aside from Grazing Boxes, they also have spread & dips and gourmet tuyo that you can give as a holiday present to your loved ones. 
They also have a variety of pasta dishes that are perfect for potluck parties. Choose from 3 Cheese Lasagna, Creamy Pesto, Bacon & Shrimp Alfredo, Tuna Melt Pasta, Baked Penne, and Pasta Primavera. Price starts from PHP1200 for 8-10 pax and PHP3000 for 20-30 pax. 
3 Cheese Lasagna and Creamy Pesto 

Lady Pasti is relatively new in the business, but in only one year, they bagged several awards already including Best Antipasri Meals Provider from Q Asia.

Lady Antipasti

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